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This training tool is an interactive guide to markup in the Extended Feature Set (EFS). The EFS is designed for Automated Friction ridge Identification System (AFIS) searches as well as for the interchange of latent print annotation among examiners as part of casework. EFS includes a broad and complete set of friction skin features that is familiar to all latent examiners. It was defined in cooperation with all of the major AFIS vendors and is intended to be used without modification across different AFIS systems that are EFS compatible.

The Training Tool describes how the features are organized into groups called Search Profiles, which allow the examiner to choose trade-offs between search accuracy and mark-up time.


Navigate with the tabs at the top of the webpage. The feature training modules are inside Quick Minutiae Search Profile and Detailed Markup Profile, and a summary quiz is under Self Evaluation. The Resources tab clarifies vocabulary and points to outside references, and Help contains instructions about using the site. View a PDF version of the tool here.

The tool addresses the following EFS features:

Quick Minutiae Search:

Region of interest (ROI), Orientation, Pattern classification, Cores, Deltas, Minutiae

Detailed Markup Search:

Ridge quality map, Dots, Incipients, Distinctive features, Center point of reference, Core-delta ridge counts, Ridge flow map


The tool aims to meet the following objectives:

  • Provide an interactive tool for learning the Extended Feature Set
  • Present a range of image clarity and difficulty to provide growth opportunities even for experienced examiners
  • Use markup consistent with best AFIS accuracy
  • Develop a framework for future expansion of examiner training
  • Foster greater consistency in latent print markups
  • Further the use of a common markup method for the latent print identification community
  • Provide a training tool that is independent of proprietary AFIS rules