Ridge Quality Map

Local friction ridge quality is an assessment of the clarity of each area within an image. This is the means by which the recipient can determine whether the features marked at a given location are definitive or debatable. The colors and categories are defined in the tables below. Because accurate and consistent markup of ridge quality is essential, follow the guidelines in this section as closely as possible. In each case, if there is doubt as to which level of ridge quality to assign, use the lower quality.

Black Background
Red Debatable ridge flow
Yellow Definitive ridge flow, debatable minutiae
Green Definitive minutiae, debatable ridge edges
Blue Definitive ridge edges, debatable pores
Aqua All features definitive

Ridge quality can be generated by an automated process with human review, or it can be painted manually by an examiner. While automated systems and all examiners should ideally concur on ridge quality markup, in practice individual examiners are likely to disagree at times.

To examine the decision process in detail, please see the flowchart in Figure 17 of the Markup Instructions for Extended Friction Ridge Features.

Figure 1 shows examples of ridge quality markup. The images of ridge quality markup allow an examiner (or software program) reviewing the image a straightforward means of assessing the value and data content of the image: large Blue areas are excellent, Green areas are satisfactory, Yellow areas may potentially contain false or missed features, and Red areas are not of value.