Extended Feature Set Profiles define groups of features to be used for different purposes, notably different levels of detail for AFIS searches.
EFS Profiles are designed to be interoperable among AFIS systems. The EFS Profiles allow a range of tradeoffs between examiner time and matcher accuracy. The profiles included in the EFS Training Tool are:
0. Image-Only Profile: no examiner markup
1. Minimal Markup Profile: low level of examiner markup to improve the accuracy of image-only matching
2. Quick Minutiae Search Profile: includes the fundamental features common to the various AFIS vendors; compatible with interchange standards from FBI, Department of Defense, Prüm, and INTERPOL.
3. Detailed Markup Profile: includes features that can be used to increase search accuracy in systems that implement this optional profile. These require an additional level of examiner effort.
Additional profiles (not addressed in this Tool) include features used by some AFIS vendors such as skeletons or ridge counts, as well as profiles designed to document friction ridge features for potential use in legal proceedings or exchange between latent examiners.
The FBI CJIS Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS) corresponds directly to Profiles 0 (Image-Only Profile), 1 (Minimal Markup Profile), and 2 (Quick Minutiae Search Profile).
Profiles 0 (Image-Only Profile) and 2 (Quick Minutiae Search Profile) are designed to be available in all interoperable systems.
The Image-only profile may be used if the image has no obscuring background or multiple impressions, and visually appears to be within approximately ±15° of upright.
EFS Profile 1: Minimal markup profile
The Minimal markup profile should be used instead of the Image-only profile if the image has an obscuring background, contains multiple impressions, or orientation is not upright or is unknown. It includes the following features:
Feature | When to Mark |
Region of Interest | Mark if there are multiple impressions, a complex background, or if only a portion of the print is to be selected |
Orientation | Mark if the impression is not upright (visually within ±15° of upright), or if the orientation cannot be determined |
Finger/Palm Position(s) | Indicate finger/palm position if known; indicate finger segment if all or part of the medial or proximal finger segments are present (fingerprint only), indicate off-center fingerprint if an extreme tip or extreme side (fingerprint only) |
Pattern Class | If known (dows nor apply to palms, tips, or lower joints) |
Core(s) | If present |
Delta(s) | If present |
EFS Profile 2: Quick minutiae search profile
The Quick minutiae search profile adds minutiae to the Minimal markup profile. In terms of examiner effort, it is roughly equivalent to most current manual markups.
Feature | When to Mark |
Minutiae | Always |
Evidence of Fraud | If present |
(All features from Profile 1 - Minimal Markup) |
EFS Profile 3: Detailed Markup Profile
The Detailed Markup Profile includes features used by some AFIS vendors to increase accuracy, but that require additional examiner time. It includes the following features:
Feature | When to Mark |
Ridge Quality Map | Always |
Ridge Flow Map | Always |
Center Point of Reference | If known (dows not apply to palms or plantars) |
Distinctive Features | If scars or other physical abnormalities (e.g. warts or dysplasia) are present, other distinctive features optional) |
Dots | If present |
Core(s) | If present |
(All features from Profile 1 - Minimal Markup and Profile 2 - Quick Minutiae Search) |
EFS Profiles define groups of features to be used for different levels of examiner effort for AFIS searches. The EFS Profiles allow a range of tradeoffs between examiner time and search accuracy as it relates to the quality and quantity of the latent print.
The profiles in the EFS include:
- EFS Profile 0 is the Image-Only Profile. There is no examiner markup.
- EFS Profile 1 is the Minimal Markup Profile. There is a low level of examiner markup to improve the accuracy of image-only matching, e.g., separating the print from adjacent pattern data, separating multiple impressions, or providing orientation data.
- EFS Profile 2 is the Quick Minutiae Search Profile. This search profile adds minutiae to the Minimal Markup Profile. In terms of examiner effort, it is roughly equivalent to most current manual markups.
- EFS Profile 3 is the Detailed Markup Profile. This search profile includes features that can be used to increase search accuracy in systems that implement this optional profile. These require an additional level of examiner effort.
From the dropdown menu above the canvas, select the profile that you think makes most efficient use of examiner effort - the one providing feature information that is consistent with the latent image quality and your organization's accuracy tradeoff policies. For these exercises, assume that you have a large workload and are attempting to maximize the total number of identity decisions in the time available.